30 September 2016


credo                                                                                                                                   ...

in heaven hangs no harp, no cloud.  
the colours there are bright,  
            the music loud.

james oliver wright
            © 2016

28 September 2016


so now to pin the meaning on the morning
and plant a period there beneath the perpendicular
heave-ho at heaven till you get it horizontal
suspicion; soup’s on the boil again
take another pint now from the pantry
and hold at point of entry...
how murals from the wall shall never fall –
it never fails; now with a sigh
i cast my eye
on former battlefields unconquered
unrelenting, this erosion of the moral
and the timeless march of vanity...
of any beast there in my barnyard
this one’s the best for bellow, bray or bark
– or even bleat; still on the mark
just waiting for the moment
that my pride comes into play, unrivalled
even with the fabric at my cuffs unravellled
racking up the changes ringing
just like billiard balls about to take the cue
and so they do (then thus do i) –
to keep in mind
this never-mending fissure in the fabric

james oliver wright
© 2016